Monday, March 26, 2007

Thing 12

Rollyo - The first couple Roll Your Own searches that I tried were very disappointing - slow!! I would rather target my searches and refine my search terms using Google. But today I actually found some fun and quick Rollyo sites, so I was happy I kept on with this portion of Learning 2.0.

I tried Quick Quotes Search and Reference Rollyos. Both of these I can imagine cases where they would be very useful personally or on the Information Desk. And they were both fairly quick to provide results even to my very broad searches.

SJ_Learning 2.0 Rollyo was good find. I saw the list of sites included so I tried typing in a zip code (15650) just for fun. One of the early hits that was a match was from InfoPlease - a college in that local area. So not what I expected, but good nonetheless.

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