Friday, March 16, 2007

Thing 7

I'm finally getting back to Learning 2.0 today with the deadline looming, and I'm almost to my personal goal which was to figure out RSS feeds.

As far as what interests me about technology in general is just the sheer numbers of technology "things". It is overwhelming! How do people find time to play games, blog, mash, Flickr, use iPods, take pictures and upload them to photo galleries, and so on. What do they do about all the other everyday activities - work, pay bills, cook & eat, clean, do yard work, shop, etc.?

I love the ease with which I can write using word processing software and make spreadsheets. Powerpoint is a wonderful tool, and I'm not sure how I ever got along without the Internet and the wonderful search engines! But at some point I want to leave technology behind and DO things. None of which involve sitting in front of a computer.

So that's my technology-related blog entry. Not what you expected, but....there it is.

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